Sunday, January 5, 2014

#NoFilter: the correlation between acne and poor nutrition

Mirror: "You look good today."

Camera: "LOL no."

Instagram filters: "I got you."

It's no longer just teenagers suffering from acne. More and more adults are unhappy with their skin. This is because hormones aren't the only factor in whether or not you get pimples. Many scientists have traced this rise to the changes in the dietary habits of North Americans. Studies continue to prove their hypothesis correct. 
I started suffering from severe acne as a freshman in college. It was painful physically and emotionally. After much research and self-discipline, my skin cleared up. To make it easy for you here are some do's and don'ts for skincare:

  • switch to "whole wheat" if you're eating white bread, or "multigrain"
  • get enough Omega-3 and Vitamin B
  • cleanse your face twice a day (especially before going to sleep)
  • drink a lot of water all the time
  • get plenty of sleep
  • moisturize 
  • drink too much coffee (or other heavily caffeinated drinks)
  • fill up on sugar
  • consume greasy or processed foods
  • touch your face (or pick at your blemishes) 
Let me know in the comments below if you've tried any of these tips and how they worked for you. Also, feel free to share any other skin care advice. There's plenty to share; I could write forever on this subject. SKIN FOR THE WIN!

One day we won't need Photoshop,


Who can tell me what "PS" stands for? And don't tell me

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