Which one would you rather: pizza or salad? What about chips or carrot sticks? Most people don't choose the healthier of the two, because they tell themselves "junk food tastes better." Yet, we always forget how bloated or sick we feel after indulging on sweet or greasy treats. If we have the unfortunate ability to trick ourselves into forgetting these important factors, why can't we convince ourselves to like healthy foods?
Knowing the benefits of a nutritious diet helps motivate better consumption. For example: Did you know eating celery is almost the same as chewing water? Your body hardly notices a cup of celery's 16 calories; but it does focus on consuming a third of your daily Vitamin K recommendation. If you are in the dark about the plentiful perks Vitamin K can provide for you, read this article from BetterBones.com:
The Many Benefits of Vitamin K.
My point is, when you know all the amazing advantages available, you are more likely to make the conscience decision to treat your body with care and feed it the proper fuel. Remember when your parents would tell you the fish on your dinner plate was chicken so you would eat it? It's the same concept. You can even start small. Maybe you start eating celery, but you cover it in peanut butter or ranch dressing. Whatever it takes to get those veggies in your diet more regularly. Then slowly, you get use to the taste and ween off the dips. Make goals for yourself, and don't be afraid to take baby steps.
Look, I'll be the first one to admit if I was a Care Bear, the symbol on my tummy would be a piece of pizza. But, then I learned the consequences of eating poorly are not worth a short-term sugar rush. Being healthy isn't as easy as following a few vegan instagram accounts. You have to want it! And why wouldn't you? Tell yourself YOU CAN DO IT! The body awareness blog, JessHerself on wordpress.com has a great article with more tips on Training Yourself To Like Healthy Food.
What bad habit of yours was the hardest to kick? Mine was Mountain Dew! I could make a giant pyramid with the amount of cans I drank through...in just a day!
My bed is covered in orange peels and so am I. So. Am. I.
P.S. I'm pro double dipping.
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