The definition of the word diet is the sum of food consumed by a person or other organism; and dietary habits are the habitual decisions an individual or culture makes when choosing what foods to eat.This generation of people are being brain washed into believing a diet is a temporary plan to help you lose weight. But the weight-loss is really what becomes temporary. Once you tell yourself you're on a diet, you start thinking short term. Most people gain more weight after "dieting" because, they are so happy to be eating again that they gorge themselves on more and more of the same unhealthy foods they were eating in the first place. We as a society are willing to try every weight-loss program on the market, but we are so stubborn to change what kind of food we put in our bodies. If we can stop feeding ourselves processed foods, and toxic chemicals our bodies will thank us. If you are good to your body, your body will be good to you. It's that simple.
I recently watched a great documentary called, Hungry For Change. You can watch the first 20 minutes of the film online, or the whole film on Netflix.
Watch the Movie Trailer here:
Don't make every personal pizza a personal problem. Kick all your bad habits. Everything! (Including the everything bagels).
Tell me what you think of the documentary in the comments below. Also, please share any other films you liked!
All this writing made me hungry,
It's not considered brunch if you're alone, at 2pm, in your bed, eating Dorritos.
All this writing made me hungry,
It's not considered brunch if you're alone, at 2pm, in your bed, eating Dorritos.